Quinta do Cotto
Montez Champalimaud family
To tell the story of the Montez Champalimaud house, it is necessary to travel until the XIV century, date when the first family records appeared in the Vinhos Verdes and Douro regions. The first is Quinta do Paço de Teixeiró, in the parish of Teixeira, precisely on the border of the region, where alongside with wine, also produced cereals. Quinta do Côtto remains in the Douro region, in the parish of Cidadelhe.In 1922, the company Montez Champalimaud Lda. Was established, to hold the entire family heritage in the Douro and Vinhos Verdes regions, a situation that persists to the present date.With this secular heritage, Casa Montez Champalimaud has always been able to implement a constant policy of innovation, taking pride in producing timeless and high quality wines.Almost a century later, it preserves its authenticity and classic wine profile, not following consumer trends. A mission that leads to the Douro and the Vinho Verde region.